• Fermentative production, Deep Learning, AI

Inheriting the professional skills of cultivation technology from data by AI×fermentation

“We want to contribute to raising the level of all industries related to bio-production by advancing technological innovation utilizing biotechnology and digital technology.”

“We want to contribute to raising the level of all industries related to bio-production by advancing technological innovation utilizing biotechnology and digital technology.”
A bio-production management system is being developed with AI that exceeds human abilities in understanding complex cause-and-effect relationships that , based on a totally new productivity indicator using data resulting from various sensors and mutual relations with well-skilled cultivation technology. Leading the construction of a global information base is essential for developing the system to be the backbone of the bioeconomy market.

Background issues

  • Development of production technology using biotechnology such as fermentation production are recently stagnated, and production bases are gathering at areas where the production is cheaper.
  • The expectation of Bio-AI and Bio-digital combinations are growing, however, data suitable for the machine learning system have not yet acquired.
  • In order to develop new production technology, acquiring data that can be utilized for methods such as deep learning is required.

Our technologies

  • Technology to acquire data suitable for machine learning input
  • Machine learning technology to derive the efficiency of fermentation production from input data

Current status

  • We received a subsidy from METI in June, 2018.
  • We are continuously researching and developmenting in cooperation with companies that have various technologies in the biotechnology industry.




Mitsui Chemicals, Inc., Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Kyoto University


  • Ken Kasahara

    CHITOSE LABORATORY Algae Utilization Division, General Manager

    The mass cultivation technology of microorganism rapidly developed in the 1970’s, but the progress has now plateau . Material production process utilizing organisms are so complexed, that we say “a craftsman’s (professional) skill” is necessary. We are promoting a project that advances the microorganism cultivation technology in order to solve the following issues, “1.The shortage of data that could describe the state of the cultivation” and “2.The lack of ability to interpret the data.”, which are the challenges that are out of our control which prevents us from realizing bio-production management. “Fermentation technology is a speciality of Japan”, however now, microorganism cultivation technology, as Japan’s starting point, must go forward to a new order again and thinking that would lead to raising the level of all industries related to any bio-production.


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