EXPO 2025
Special Page
Media / Editorial
On June 16th, the initiatives of CHITOSE Group’s microalgae business were featured in the morning edition of the Nikkei and its online version (published on the 15th). The demand for net-zero CO2 emission fuels, particularly in aviation, is increasing as we strive for a decarbonized society.
This article highlights the potential of microalgae-derived fuels compared to other types of biofuels such as grains and waste oil, as well as the MATSURI project, and the microalgae production facility C4* that has commenced operations in Sarawak, Malaysia.
We are grateful for the opportunity to raise awareness about our efforts and the potential of microalgae business to a combined readership of 2.47 million subscribers (as of January 2023) in both the print and online versions of the largest financial newspaper in Japan.
The MATSURI project aims to create a wide range of products derived from microalgae, including biofuels, fibers, coatings, food, toiletry, and plastics, while also building an industry based on microalgae. We will continue to pursue further achievements to ensure a brilliant future for the next thousand years.
*C4: CHITOSE Carbon Capture Central
<About the articles>
The Nikkei Newspaper (Online)
Date: Thursday, June 15, 2023
Ariticle:https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUC236GS0T20C23A5000000/ (Japanese)
The Nikkei Newspaper (morning edition)
Date: Friday, June 16, 2023
Official Twitter
Nikkei Online (@nikkei)
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Nikkei Online Tech (@nikkei_tech)
https://twitter.com/nikkei_tech/status/1669079962056536065?s=20 (Japanese)
<MATSURI project>
The MATSURI project aims towards the establishment of an advanced microalgae-based industry. CHITOSE Group has considerable expertise in large-scale microalgae production technologies, and is leading the MATSURI project collaborating with Japanese progressive enterprises. As what MATSURI means in Japanese, CHITOSE Group keeps leading a festival to develop a sustainable society. If you are interested in MATSURI, please feel free to contact the MATSURI office. Click here to contact us.
<Related Information>
[Press Release] CHITOSE Group Obtains Funding from Japanese Government(NEDO) for Green Innovation Fund of 400M USD Scale
[Press Release] CHITOSE Group, a leading company of MATSURI project, starts operating the world’s largest microalgae production facility
[Media / Editorial] The Official Launching Ceremony of CHITOSE Carbon Capture Central (C4), Reported on the Local Media Outlets